3 Yoga poses to alleviate stress, promote fitness in lockdown

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By Prathiksha Naidu Time of article published Apr 26, 2020

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LIFESTYLE - Practising yoga daily to help you through the lockdown does not only help your body become physically stronger and more flexible, but it will allow you to calm your mind and focus on breathing to energise your body and enhance your mood.

This is a great way to elevate those moments of cabin fever, fear, stress and anxiety.

Yoga poses can change your brain chemistry by increasing your serotonin level and brain GABA (Gamma-Aminobutyric acid) level to boost and improve your mood.

During the lockdown, it's normal for you to consume higher calories by reaching out for food – a way in which many people deal with negative emotions, stress, fear and anxiety.

Daily yoga will curb those cravings.

Yoga poses will increase your metabolic rate, while simultaneously toning your body.

In this period, many are working from home. Sitting at your desk can create aches and pains, stiff and tight muscles in your back and spine, with poor posture leading to fatigue and tiredness.

This, together with managing a family and household chores, could leave you with altered sleep or wake patterns.

Here are three yoga poses which consist of three fundamental elements: the physical poses, controlled breathing and cool down and meditation, all to benefit the mind, body and soul.

CHILD'S POSE - BALASANA: A relaxing pose to stretch your spine, open up your hip flexors, stretch your hamstrings and any tension built-up in your neck and shoulders. A restorative pose to take a break away from your desk or chores, or a resting pose between poses focus on breathing slowly through your nose.

HOW TO DO IT: Kneel on the floor with your knees apart like a "V". Inhale arms over your head, exhale lean forward stretching your arms straight ahead on the floor. Deep inhales and complete exhales. Close your eyes and remove and release all thoughts from your mind.As you still the body, still the mind. You can count to 10 and be conscious of your breaths.

TREE POSE – VRIKSHASANA: Stand with your knees, heels and toes together. It helps you focus and promotes concentration and awareness on your body instead of on your anxiety. Perhaps even try this while waiting for the kettle to boil.

HOW TO DO IT: Shift your weight to one foot, as you raise the other foot and place it on the inner thigh of the standing leg. Inhale – you can place your hands thumbs centre of your chest, or extend them over your head as you exhale. Your next few inhales and exhales, you can extend through your spine for 30 seconds. Keep the inhales and exhales with relaxed, soft features on your face. 

CAMEL POSE – USTRASANA: This pose can boost your energy, improve your mood, help you feel calmer and relieved from anxiety. It is an advanced pose, deep compression of the spine.

HOW TO DO IT: Kneel, two fists apart between your knees. Place your hands on your hips. Inhale and drop your head back. Exhale and release one hand at a time to hold a heel at a time. Relaxing your neck and shoulders, pushing your hips to the front, eyes open and mouth closed, breathe through your nose. Inhale – hand on hip one at a time, exhale fold forward into a child's pose. 

Naidu's studio is based in Musgrave, Durban. Follow her on www.hotyogadurban.co.za, Instagram: Hot_yoga_durban, Facebook boob : Hot Yoga Durban


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